The Latvian government on Oct. 31 passed an amendment calling to begin issuing personal ID cards in
A nonprofit association based in Maardu, outside of Tallinn, is organizing a roundtable on the statu
Lithuanian Foreign Minister Petras Vaitiekunas denied Russian reports that there were spies from his
Estonia's recently-installed president, Toomas Hendrik-Ilves, has used his opening address at a parl
VILNIUS - A 20-year old Lithuanian man has been targeted by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation
TALLINN - Heavy storms that struck the Baltic Sea region forced the cancellation of flights and sea
RIGA - Latvia's outgoing parliament will not pass a bill restricting dual citizens' righ
The Latvia-U.S. Consular Working Group on Oct. 26 held its regular meeting at the Ministry of Foreig
RIGA - Minister of Foreign Affairs Artis Pabriks on Oct. 26 met with the First Minister of Wales, Rh
TALLINN - Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet next week is scheduled to visit Iraq to meet with the
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