MOSCOWRussian President Vladimir Putin ordered the military to draw up new anti-terror plans as R
A recently adopted law on local councils in Estonia has thrown several municipalities into a qua
RIGAWith the Baltic countries expected to be invited to join NATO at the alliance's Prague summit
RIGALatvia's lame-duck government and outgoing parliament have raised eyebrows with a series of l
RIGADefeated Latvian law makers have prompted widespread anger by voting to triple their severanc
VILNIUSNATO aspirant Lithuania has decided to purchase anti-aircraft missile Stinger systems from
VILNIUSThe Constitutional Court ruled Oct.23 that journalists will have to reveal their sources o
BRUSSELSEuropean Union leaders last week endorsed a plan aimed at ending a bitter dispute with Mo
The heads of government of the three Baltic countries gathered in Copenhagen Oct. 28 to hear first h
The European Union began the final countdown to the creation of a united Europe with a deal on fundi
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