

Berzins tells Latvians to ‘stand tall’

RIGA - At the 25th anniversary ceremony for the Latvian Popular Front on Oct. 5, President And

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Intellectual property rights conference opens

VILNIUS - On the occasion of the Lithuanian Presidency of the EU Council, the State Patent Bur

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No money for Saaremaa bridge

TALLINN - The Estonian government sent the issue of building a permanent connection between th

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Ansip plans to stick around

TALLINN - Estonian Prime Minister Andrus Ansip said in an interview to Eesti Paevaleht that he

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Lithuania under fire in Guantanamo Bay case

VILNIUS - Lithuania has refused to investigate a high profile case involving a Guantanamo Bay

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Estonia among top in world for Internet freedom

TALLINN - Estonia has fallen to second place in the world for Internet freedom, a new study sh

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KGB headquarters to open doors

RIGA - In 2014, when Riga becomes the European Capital of Culture, the notorious former headqu

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Latvia backs Ukraine-EU agreement plan

Latvia has backed Ukraine’s efforts to sign a major agreement next month bringing them c

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Worlds first twitter opera comes to Riga

The worlds first ‘Twitter Opera’ is coming to Latvia.In June 2012, Est

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Rail Baltica route discussion starts

TALLINN - Public discussion of the planned route and of environmental effects of the Rail Balt

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