

Residency plan attacked

RIGA - Latvia’s controversial cash-for-residency scheme is drawing fire as the country g

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Doors open for new citizens

RIGA - This past May, in the final reading, Saeima passed amendments to the Citizenship Law, p

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Latvija in brief

Jurmala City Council has made amendments to traffic regulations in the coastal resort city, an

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Ticket policy divides public

RIGA - Former Latvian President and current Saeima member Valdis Zatlers said on Sept. 27, wit

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Gas power favored

TALLINN - In the Estonian car market, the number of people in recent years who have decided to

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National defense starts in school

TALLINN - Defense Minister Urmas Reinsalu last week unveiled a program of reforms for national

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Government passes 2014 budget

TALLINN - The Estonian government approved on Sept. 24 at its extraordinary session the state

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Eesti in brief

Seventy-five people died due to an overdose of narcotic substances in the first seven months o

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Small farmers winners as major CAP reform approved

VILNIUS - A major reform of the European Union’s generous farm subsidy program was appro

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Estonians headed to the polls

TALLINN - Despite the fact that local municipality elections take place in Estonia in less tha

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