

Karzai statements out of line

TALLINN - Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet considers the statement by Afghanistan’s

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Chevron abruptly pulls out of exploration project

VILNIUS - Lithuania should revise laws on shale gas works that led Chevron Corp. to abandon it

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Savisaar denies money laundering accusations

TALLINN - Former Center Party youth organization head and party board member Tarmo Lausing cla

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AirBaltic lien on the block

RIGA - KPMG Baltics, the administrator of the defunct bank Latvijas Krajbanka, and Neil Hunter

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Russian blockade affecting Lithuanian businesses

VILNIUS - The leader of Lithuania’s Seimas opposition, Andrius Kubilius, and member of P

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Border agreement to be signed

TALLINN - Russian President Vladimir Putin gave orders to the Russian Foreign Ministry to sign

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Vilks has little hope for Liepajas Metalurgs

RIGA - The faltering metallurgical company Liepajas metalurgs is very likely to become insolve

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Bus fares go up for outsiders

RIGA - The Riga City Council majority, made up of Harmony Center and the oddly-named Honor to

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Women make up 40 percent of candidate lists

VILNIUS - The leader of Lithuania’s Seimas opposition, Andrius Kubilius, and member of P

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Europe’s manufacturers promoted

VILNIUS - On Oct. 7-8 the Lithuanian Presidency of the EU Council in Vilnius is hosting the in

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