Heavy snowfall is forecast throughout Latvia this weekend, as snow cover in parts of Vidzeme P
Maxima Latvija will change the company's development strategy following the Riga supermark
Police are investigating the conduct of Riga mayor supporters after up to a thousand people ra
Belarus has come up with its own answer to the highly popular commercial where U.S. actor Jean
Estonian defence minister Urmas Reinsalu and British defence minister Philip Hammond sig
The board of the Estonian Reform Party convenes Wednesday morning, Dec. 4, to pick the new cul
Latvian President Andris Berzins on Dec. 3 begins consultations with political parties on the
On Dec. 3, when former MP Janis Martins Skuja plans to lead a rally demanding Riga Mayor Nils
Estonia has improved on a worldwide corruption index whilst Latvia and Lithuania lag behind, n
Latvian defense minister Artis Pabriks could be set to become the countries new Prime Minister
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