Teenager stabs his peer to death

  • 2024-01-11
  • LETA/BNS/TBT Staff

RIGA - Last night, a 13-year-old teenager was found unconscious on the street in Jurmala with stab wounds, LETA learned from the State Police. 

The boy was found by Jurmala local police patrol. They called for an ambulance, but the boy died from the injuries sustained before medics arrived.

Current information shows that several young people living in a social care and social rehabilitation institution in Jurmala had gone to Riga, possibly to consume alcoholic beverages. They then returned by train to Sloka, where they met two youngsters of their age, one of which was murdered later.

The information obtained during investigation suggests that there had been a conflict in company. One of the group of young people living in the social center stabbed the victim twice with a knife - in the heart and abdomen area. The group allegedly abandoned the scene, leaving the injured youngster with his friend.

Police officers arrived at the social care and rehabilitation center and took the and the involved youngsters and their teachers to the police station.

The suspect had previously come to the police's attention for petty theft. The suspected teenager has not yet turned 14, which is the age criminal liability can be applied.

Criminal proceedings have been initiated in connection with the incident for murder in aggravated circumstances of a minor.

The exact circumstances and motives of what happened are being clarified during the investigation. Police did not provide further details on the case.