

Brewers forecast beer sales at last year's level during this year's Midsummer holidays

RIGA - Beer sales in Latvia during the Midsummer holidays could remain at the same level as last year, beer producers approached by LETA project...

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Cross-Platform Slot Gaming: Switch Devices Seamlessly

Slot gaming has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, thanks in large part to the rise of cross-platform gaming. With the prol...

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A new era in the Lithuanian shipping industry: construction of the first hydrogen-electricity powered ship has begun

A new page in the history of the Lithuanian shipping industry has been written today. The construction of the first hydrogen-electric ship in th...

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DEAC & DLC data centers strengthen position in Northern Europe with new brand Delska

DEAC and Data Logistics Center (DLC) celebrate 25 years of data center and network ex...

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Preliminary Design Solutions for the Expansion of the Ülemiste Center Were Presented

On June 19th, a public discussion was held to introduce the preliminary design solutions for the detailed planning of Ülemiste Cent...

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Where the Summer Never Ends: Upcoming Exhibition in Vilnius Introduces Visitors to Photographer Andy Sweet

From 20 June, the Radvila Palace Museum of the Lithuanian National Museum of Art (LNMA) invites visitors to Andy Sweet’s photographic artw...

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The reconstruction of the 330kv overhead line connecting Latvia to Estonia and the Baltics to Europe has been completed

One of the key projects for the synchronisation of the Baltic States grid with European network is the reconstruction of the 330 kV overhead lin...

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Estonia to Purchase 12 Wheeled CAESAR Self-Propelled Howitzers from France

Estonian Centre for Defence Investments (ECDI) has signed contracts with the French Defence Procurement Agency (DGA) and the defence com...

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A €16 mil. plant-based protein production plant starts operations in Latvia

Golden Fields, an agricultural company operating in three Baltic States, has opened a plant-based protein facility in Liepaja, Latvia. T...

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Estonia to Jointly Acquire Mistral Missile Systems and Missiles with Four EU Countries

Estonia, together with France, Belgium, Cyprus, and Hungary, has signed a joint procurement contract for the purchase of Mistral short-r...

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