

Actress Lilita Ozolina passes away

RIGA - Daile Theater actress Lilita Ozolina passed away on Monday at the age of 75, as Daile Theater informed LETA. Oz...

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Education Ministry's proposal would mean destroying the existing education system - Latvian Association of Local Governments

RIGA - Inara Dundure, advisor on education and culture at the Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments, believes that the Education...

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EU agency calls for longer term prospects for Ukrainian refugees

VIENNA - EU governments should make preparations to integrate refugees from Ukraine permanently, according to the EU Agency for Fundamental Righ...

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Former building of U.S. Embassy in Latvia put up for auction again

RIGA - State real estate manager Valsts Nekustamie Ipasumi (VNI) has repeatedly put up for auction a building on Raina Boulevard in Riga that us...

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Polymath and the Tokenization of Music Rights

The world of music rights is a complex and often misunderstood one. With the rise of blockchain technology and tokenization, the industry is und...

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New summer park turns the heart of the Tallinn’s medieval old town green

A temporary park created as part of the "Green Tracks" project of Tallinn – European Green Capital 2023 has been opened ...

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Estonia’s Ülemiste City launched a new technology testing environment unique in the Nordics

The most unique testing environment for new technologies in the Baltic and Nordic regions opened in the Ülemiste City business area...

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Minister for Health Līga Meņģelsone visits Olainfarm

At the start of June, Minister for Health Līga Meņģelsone made a working visit to one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in the Baltics,

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Teltonika launches the production of a medical wristband to help people with heart diseases

Lithuanian high-tech company group Teltonika has launched the production of TeltoHeart, a multifunctional smart medical wristband designed to he...

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The future of data centres – more responsible use and AI

In a quarter of a century, data centres have become from a niche industry to one of the most important things in people's daily lives. Altho...

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