Former building of U.S. Embassy in Latvia put up for auction again

  • 2023-06-08
  • LETA/TBT Staff

RIGA - State real estate manager Valsts Nekustamie Ipasumi (VNI) has repeatedly put up for auction a building on Raina Boulevard in Riga that used to house the U.S. Embassy and later the Museum of the Occupation of Latvia, according to a notice in the government gazette Latvijas Vestnesis.

The property at 7 Raina Boulevard includes a land plot of 2,943 square meters in area and six buildings.

The starting price is set at EUR 2,419,200, down from EUR 3.024 million when the property was first put up for auction this past May.

The auction will start on Saturday, June 10 and close on July 11.

The government authorized VNI to sell the property at 7 Raina Boulevard in November 2022.

The cadastral value of the land plot is EUR 858,445, while the cadastral value of the central building of 2,183.2 square meters in area is EUR 1,452,249. The cadastral value of the entire property is EUR 2,316,047.

The building has the status of an architectural monument of local importance.

VNI was established in 1996, its sole owner is the Finance Ministry.