European Union leaders rejected on June 24 a proposal by Germany and France to resume summit meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin....
The threat that emerging infectious diseases pose to global health and the economy, trade, and tourism never ceases. Pandemics can spread rapidl...
Joe Biden is the fifth American president to deal with Vladimir Putin. His predecessors, in their own different ways, tried to placate a strongm...
In the notorious case of Dred Scott v. Sandford in 1857, US Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger Taney ruled that African-Americans were not and co...
The last year has been a remarkable time in the European natural gas industry thanks to the adverse impact of COVID on the economy, and hence on...
What will the geopolitical fallout be from the global COVID-19 health contingency? How will the glo-bal super-powers stack up against one anothe...
It is not much of an exaggeration to claim that for the Baltic states, especially Lithuania, the Biden presidency is a match from heaven. Althou...
The prolonged, swinging and unrelenting COVID-19 pandemic has entered into its second year, continuing the devastation, wreaking havoc through m...
Exactly two years ago, Kazakhstan’s president Nursultan Nazarbayev announced his resignation in a surprise public address on national...
Aviation is among the sectors that have been bruised by the world-wide COVID-19 pandemic the worst, yet Martin Gauss, the President and CEO of a...
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