A state of emergency is set to be declared in areas affected by African swine fever, L
Alexander Stubb, Finland’s new prime minister, is on a visit to Estonia today to meet Es
The world's first auto-follow action sports drone AirDog has raised more than 500,000 US d
Centralized high school exam results indicate that students in Latvia have received the lowest
Latvia has the sixth fastest Internet in the world, according to the latest report by th
Chocolate candy manufacturing company Laima operated with a turnover of 10.84 million euros in
A growing number of wealthy Russians and Ukrainians concerned about the political and
An Estonian citizen, who was kidnapped by Ukrainian separatists when participating in the OSCE
The U,S and Latvia have signed an intergovernmental agreement to promote transparency between
After carrying out detailed laboratory testing, the Food and Veterinary Service of Lat
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