Most people may not realize how much time they spend inside their homes. However, the conditions inside your homes must be at their optimal. Having the right temperature and humidity can make a difference in how much time you spend inside and how much stress you can manage.
Moisture can damage various components of your real estate property, but it can also cause various respiratory issues. If you have respiratory conditions, it can be difficult to breathe properly due to the pollutants in the air.
Therefore, read more about some essential tips you can apply in controlling the temperature and humidity levels in your home.
Have A Regular HVAC Maintenance Check
Many people make the mistake of not taking proper care of their air Heating, Ventilation, and Airconditioning (HVAC) units. This can lead to their HVAC system not working correctly.
An improperly maintained HVAC unit can cause various issues with air quality, such as bacteria and mould. Having clean filters and coils can help keep a house warm and healthy, and it can also improve the breathing conditions of its occupants.
One of the most vital factors that people should consider when maintaining their home's HVAC unit is saving money. It's essential to ensure that the unit operates properly. It's also necessary to avoid costly repairs.
When installing and maintaining a heating and cooling system, it’s essential to hire a service company that has the necessary experience and expertise to handle the job correctly.
Keep The Humidity Range Of Your Home
In the summer, use fans or air conditioners to reduce the temperature and remove moisture from the air. Portable dehumidifiers may also be used in the basement or in any other room that requires it. A humidity level of between 50 and 55% is ideal. However, suppose the humidity rate exceeds 55%. In that case, it can trigger mould growth, which can cause structural damage and health issues. Thus, keeping a home's humidity range at least 40% is essential.
Consider The Environment And Your Household Members
The ideal temperature for a home depends on the environment and the people living in it. Generally, it should feel comfortable when the body maintains its average temperature. Ideally, the temperature should range from 20 to 22 degrees Celsius in a home. However, older people should keep their thermostats set to 24 degrees or higher.
Aside from the air temperature, a house's occupants also have varying degrees of comfort depending on the environment and their level of physical activity. These factors can also affect the occupants' health and comfort.
High humidity can also be caused by factors such as the presence of strong thunderstorms and the lack of ventilation. It can also affect the structural integrity of a home. For instance, areas with high groundwater levels can cause cracks in the walls. Hence, consider necessary actions to ensure proper temperature and humidity levels in your home. You may consult with professionals to check and apply necessary changes to your home.
Invest In A Humidifier
A humidifier is a simple and effective way to remove moisture from the air inside a home. Aside from being able to remove moisture, it can also collect condensation. When using whole-home humidifiers, ensure that they have the proper airflow to the right places. They should also be cleaned and free of debris.
Improve The Quality Of Your Windows And Doors
With inadequate door and window seals, the house loses both heat and moisture during the winter season. As a consequence, utility bills go up, and the environment becomes less pleasant for the household members.
The loss of heat and humidity may be reduced by replacing old or inefficient windows and doors with more energy-efficient models. For those who can’t afford to replace your doors and windows, consider weatherstripping or other measures to keep warm moist air in and cold dry air out.
Keep The Gutters Clean
Keeping the gutters and downspouts clear can help prevent rain from pooling on the property. Hence, you must repair any seepage or leaks. Consider alternatives such as simple landscaping to significant excavation and waterproofing if water gets into your property from the exterior. The slope of the land should be away from the house.
Basement flooding may be caused by a lack of gutters or by water flowing in the direction of the home. Biological contaminants may thrive in water leaks in pipes or near tubs and sinks. Effectively diverting water away from your home reduces the humidity levels of your home.
Having the proper humidity and temperature in a home can help keep its occupants comfortable. It can also help mitigate temperature during regular hot and cold seasons. By taking the necessary steps to control the humidity and temperature in your home, you can prevent certain health risks and maintain your comfort level.
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