

Strengthening cooperation with Africa is one of the EU's foreign policy priorities - Braze

RIGA - On June 3 and 4, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs organised an international forum called Latvia and African Countries: Partners for Peace...

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PM Silina wants clear division of responsibilities for Rail Baltica costs

RIGA - The government is not an institution that pays bills, Prime Minister Evika Silina (New Unity) told journalists Wednesday, commenting on a...

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Economic security is as important a cornerstone of national security as military security - Braze

RIGA - Economic security, reconstruction projects in Ukraine, sanctions and development cooperation projects were the main topics discussed duri...

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EU enlargement and security will be the main challenges for the next EP - experts

RIGA - The main challenges of the new European Parliament (EP) will be the enlargement of the European Union (EU) and security, Vineta Kleinberg...

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Braze joins New Unity

RIGA - Foreign Minister Baiba Braze has joined the New Unity party, she told TV3 this morning. She explained that unti...

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EP election results will be know once final polling stations close in Italy - Central Election Commission chair

RIGA - The results of the European Parliament (EP) elections will be known with the closure of the last polling station in Europe, and this time...

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Lazdins elected new president of Latvian Olympic Committee

RIGA - During today's Latvian Olympic Committee (LOC) general assembly, Raimonds Lazdins was elected the new president of the LOC. &...

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Latvia will support EU steps in response to decisions in Georgia that are incompatible with EU values - Foreign Ministry

RIGA - Latvia will support the European Union (EU) steps that will demonstrate the EU's reaction to the decisions in Georgia that are incomp...

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Construction workers have not been paid for construction of two Rail Baltica stations since February

RIGA - Construction workers have not been paid since February for construction of two international Rail Baltica stations, TV3  television&...

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Voter turnout during first day of early voting at European Parliament elections at 1%

RIGA - Voter turnout on the first day of the European Parliament elections, or the first day of early voting, was 0.95 percent of eligible voter...

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