

Slepavicius proposed as Lithuania's 1st ambassador to Korea

VILNIUS – Ricardas Slepavicius has been proposed as Lithuania's first ambassador to South Korea. Slepavicius...

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Europe's sanctions on Russia, West's response to war too weak – Lithuania's ex-president

VILNIUS – The European Union's sanctions against Russia have "loopholes" and the West's response to the Kremlin's wa...

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Lithuanian leader urges German financial sector to contribute to efforts to stop war

VILNIUS – Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda has urged Germany's financial sector to contribute to efforts to stop Russia's war ...

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Lithuania to seek sanctions on Russian energy, goods movement, banks – finmin

VILNIUS – Lithuania will seek new European sanctions on Russian energy, the movement of goods, and banks, Finance Minister Gintare Skaiste...

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Estonia's intel chief: Putin's lightning war failed due to massive miscalculation

TALLINN - Mikk Marran, director general of the Estonian Foreign Intelligence Service, said on Tuesday that the lightning war of Russian forces i...

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Lithuanian parlt speaker calls Russia

VILNIUS – Having the right to veto at the United Nations, Russia blocks important decisions and needs to be removed from the organization,...

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Tallinn to sign new memorandum of understanding with Helsinki

TALLINN – At its Wednesday's meeting, the Tallinn city government intends to approve a new memorandum of understanding to be concluded...

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Couple of thousand children from Ukraine registered for schooling in Estonia

TALLINN – According to the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research, nearly a couple of thousand children who have fled the war in Ukra...

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Zelensky extends condolences over death of Lithuanian filmmaker Kvedaravicius in Mariupol

VILNIUS - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has extended his condolences over the death of Lithuanian filmmaker Mantas Kvedaravicius in Mar...

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Estonia's cultural sector wants EUR 20 mln from supplementary budget

TALLINN – In a joint appeal, the Estonian theater, film, music, museum and art community is asking for a 20 million euro recovery package ...

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