The European Council urged all member states next year to focus on five elements for encouragi
Latvia’s economy will grow at least 5 percent, or maybe even a little more this year, wh
European Union finance ministers brokered a deal on Dec. 13 to create a single bank supervisor
RIGA - In the first nine months of the year, Latvia’s economy grew 5.6 percent, thus &ld
TALLINN - Estonia’s central bank, Eesti Pank, announced the results of a study by TNS Em
RIGA - Latvia successfully issued seven-year government bonds, raising $1.25 billion on Dec. 5
VILNIUS - The Bank of Lithuania conducted surveys on non-financial enterprises and commercial
VILNIUS - SEB economists say that the Baltic States’ economies can resist negative trend
RIGA - The gross domestic product of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania will grow 3.5 to 4.5 percen
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