

Lithuanian doctors are sought-after commodities

KLAIPEDA - Sigita Tomkeviciene, a nurse at a Kaunas hospital, has spent over 20 years in the s

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Citadele readies for sale

RIGA - Citadele Bank, the state-owned Latvian retail lender formed after Parex Bank’s co

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Creditors’ claim

In the Republic of Lithuania Enterprise Bankruptcy Law (hereinafter referred – Enterpris

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Lietuva in brief - 2011-11-03

Lithuania’s central-government budget deficit narrowed to 3.3 percent of estimated gross

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Troubles of the Lithuanian prosecutor general

VILNIUS - On Oct. 25, the Lithuanian government decided to allow the heads of law-and-order in

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Funding disparities hurt lower income students

RIGA - The most significant problem in the Latvian education system is the differing funding a

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Latvija in brief - 2011-11-03

Harmony Center will not support radical Vladimirs Lindermans’ signature-collecting campa

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Strelcenoks to focus on corruption

RIGA - “I have sufficient experience to be able to lead the Corruption Prevention Bureau

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Self-help is key to recovery

TALLINN - Prime Minister Andrus Ansip said on Monday at a meeting of the Nordic and Baltic pri

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