BERLIN 's German Chancellor Angela Merkel has announced that her country is to open up to Baltic wor
TALLINN, Aug 27, BNS - Dmitri Peskov, spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin, has accused Es
RIGA - Two of Latvia's political parties have merged. Latvia's First Party (LPP) has officially amal
RIGA 's Bargain hunters in need of a posh frock fit for a queen should keep an eye on the eBay onlin
BRUSSELS - The European Commission has confirmed that all of Europe's mobile phone operators are now
BERLIN 's the controversial Russo-German Nord Stream gas pipeline has changed its proposed route, th
RIGA - The Latvian Welfare Ministry has developed proposals designed to crack down on illegal labor
VILNIUS - President Adamkus has reasserted his desire to see an energy link established between Lith
RIGA - It's good to see that workers at the Latvian Office of Statistics take their jobs so seriousl
TALLINN - The Estonian Justice Ministry has proposed the establishment of a national anti-corruption
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