RIGA 's Bargain hunters in need of a posh frock fit for a queen should keep an eye on the eBay online auction site.
Former Latvian president Vaira Vike-Freiberga is considering using eBay to raise some cash by selling her old clothes, reports Reuters.
In an interview Vike-Freiberga gave this week to Latvian radio, she is quoted saying: "I literally spent all my salary... to be able at any time to stand next to the Japanese Emperor, the British Queen, Queen Beatrix [of the Netherland's], any other lady."
"I considered it my duty… to present myself in an attractive and correct way."
"I might put them on eBay for auction to get the funds back," she added.
Vike-Freiberga could use any money raised to furnish her new Riga apartment, or to recoup some of the money she spent buying selected souvenirs from her time in Riga Castle. All official gifts presented to her during her time as president belong to the state and were valued by officials before she was given the option to buy them.
Any items she wished to keep herself, had to be purchased privately. In the case of some of her favorite items 's thought to include the porcelain tea set presented by the UK's Queen Elizabeth II 's the price tags would have been considerable.