Israel urged Lithuanian courts to seek a jail sentence for Algimantas Dailide, 85, who was found gui
Latvian Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis said the ruling New Time party needed to change its tone afte
Estonia's Center Party will not support Social Democrat Toomas Hendrik Ilves' presidential run, acco
The Tallinn chapter of Res Publica expelled Oleg Rebane from the Tallinn City Council on April 3, af
Last night Skonto Arena's ice has been deemed unsatisfactory by experts last night, that way forcing
TALLINN - President Arnold Ruutel expressed concern on March 31 over Estonia's development as a demo
Tallinn Mayor Juri Ratas slipped past a vote of no-confidence on March 29, as the 27 votes against h
Russia plans to open an investment and technological innovation agency in Riga to promote economic c
RIGA - The Latvian Competition Council gave international wood processing giant Kronospan permission
RIGA - A few years ago, Latvia was labelled a new frontier for foreign investment. Today that glamor
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