RIGA - A representative of the police union has warned that, unless attention is paid to Interior Mi
TALLINN - A commission set up to investigate last month's helicopter crash that took 14 lives has ru
TALLINN - Centrist MP Ain Seppik has formally complained to security police about documents that wer
TALLINN - A bomb was detonated in a nine-story apartment on Pae Street in Tallinn, killing a 66-year
RFE/RL - More than two-thirds of Latvia's population support further EU enlargement and would most g
RIGA - She added that Germany "apparently thought that it could make a decision with Russia all by i
RIGA - Faced with skyrocketing gasoline prices and a new threat of inflation, the Economy Ministry h
VILNIUS - The District Court of Vilnius ruled on Sept. 8 to extradite Igor Babenko, former executive
TALLINN 's Politicians from the Center Party and Res Publica announced on Friday that the row that e
VILNIUS 's A Vilnius district court ruled to extradite the former manager of the Stavropol branch of
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