RIGA - The unprecedented rise in retail fuel prices in recent weeks has many Balts walking away from
The government is holding a new round of talks in Amsterdam with Yukos over the acquisition of a nea
NATO Secretary General Japp de Hoop Scheffer is allied to Lithuania not only politically, but also b
The NATO forum's cultural program offered participants and their spouses a number of items; from hig
VILNIUS - A small roll of bagged hemp hidden within a chunk of cheese was found on April 12 in a foo
Aleksandrs Kirsteins, an MP from the People's Party and chairman of Parliament's foreign affairs com
RIGA - The European Parliament last week lent a helping hand to Jurijs Petropavlovskis, a radical ac
The Railway Inspectorate halted trains at five switches at the Narva station on the Estonian-Russian
TALLINN - The Consumer Protection Board has opened a special EU consumer-counseling center to protec
TALLINN - Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a stern message to the West in his annual state-of
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