RIGA - For the first time in Latvian history, the security services put the country on a terror aler
A 38-year-old Parnu county resident shot and killed a 21-year-old intruder in what police say was pr
TALLINN - Res Publica and the Reform Party, two leading right-wing parties, could merge this spring,
RIGA - In an unprecedented turn of events President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso p
Latvia's Way, which failed to win any parliamentary seats during the last elections, has passed a re
TALLINN - The Estonian government announced last week that it would form a commission of ministers t
VILNIUS - It was probably a little bit too unrealistic to be true, given the nature of Lithuanian po
RIGA - The minority government crumbled after seven months of power on Oct. 28 when coalition member
VILNIUS - The widely prophesized scenario did not come true after all. The second round of the Oct.
TALLINN - Estonian residents have recently expressed discontent over noise and other disturbances ca
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