In the second of a three-part feature, Timothy Jacobs finds that over the centuries Latvian names ha
You report that Visaginas, where the Ignalina nuclear power plant is to be shut down, "could become
NATO insists it has not yet made a decision about which countries from Central and Eastern Europe wi
Although Baltic telecom stocks failed to climb any further in the outgoing week, the Baltic index ke
RIGA - Officials from the Russian company Soyuzplodimport could shift production of Stolichnaya and
VILNIUS - Lithuania's wholesale drug distributors agreed to stop supplying pharmacies with subsidize
TALLINN - The private gas utility Eesti Gaas is in preliminary talks with Finnish natural gas trader
RIGA - Latvia's commitment to crackdown on corruption was questioned by the U.S. ambassador after a
RIGA - Latvia's largest brewery Aldaris reported falling profits in 2001 compared to 2000 despite in
TALLINN - Sweden's Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken posted a 54 percent increase in profits from its Ba
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