RIGAA Norwegian citizen arrested for attempting to scam a Latvian bank out of $2.5 million could
RIGAMore than 25,000 Russian "matryoshka" dolls each concealing a half-liter bottle of vodka insi
TALLINNThe Estonian city of Parnu on July 23 called for the redesign of a monument honoring veter
TALLINN The mayor of Tallinn sent a letter this week to the national government asking for an add
TALLINNThe U.S. Embassy and the Simon Wiesenthal Center have rejected the results of a 12-day inv
Ten years agoThe fourth government since Lithuania declared independence in 1990 is formed in Vil
RIGATwo black African musicians who say they were defamed by a political advertisement are suing
TALLINNThe Estonian government at its Cabinet meeting July 23 fired Foreign Ministry Chancellor I
VILNIUSLithuanian leaders said they were grateful to the European Union for its tough stance on t
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