VILNIUSThe European Union's enlargement commissioner said in Vilnius last week that the EU was pr
RIGAThe Baltic states are at the top of the list of countries looking to join NATO and stand a st
Lithuania has undergone a major social transformation between 1989 when the last census was conducte
In a move to protect minors, Lithuanian lawmakers have banned the television broadcast of sex, viole
Latvian cycling star Juris Silovs was released from 10 weeks' pretrial detention in Lithuania last w
He may be a football fan, but lawmaker Janis Jurkans makes no bones about why his political party di
The percentage of Estonians willing to vote to join the EU has edged up to 38.5 percent from 34.3 pe
A 34-year-old Estonian naval officer, claiming he wanted "to settle the score with life," shot dead
Less than 8,000 people participated in a three-day referendum of Tallinn residents to decide the fat
Officers scolded after pro-Tibet scuffleVilnius Police Chief Erikas Kaliacius reprimanded six pol
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