Look through the reasons of your illness

  • 2010-03-10

In harmony with nature.

The Ayurveda is a part of Vedic culture. It is based on the philosophical system Sankhya, and describes a structure of a material world. Another part of Ayurveda is Jyotisashastra, which includes biocosmorhythmology and astrology, and is a part of Vedic natural methods of preventive treatment of diseases. Vedic naturopathy describes various properties/features of food, herbs and minerals, with reference to an age, sex, and type of the constitution, the place of residing and predisposition to different illnesses or daily and seasonal rhythms. “Everything that is around us, can be a medicine for us. All we need to understand is to use all medicine correctly,” says the Ashtanga Hridayam Samhita doctrine.

Vedic naturopathy assumes an individual approach to every person. It has very difficult structures and compositions of medicines. Each plant takes the place depending on desire to achieve certain effect. There is a complex approach to the person in Ayurvedic medicine. It considers that chronic illnesses are the result of the spread of abnormalities of internal organs. It’s some kind of body reaction to system illness. The Vedic doctor should know all sections of medicine and be able to help any patient. It doesn’t matter how old the patient is, how long he is ill, and what is the matter of illness; the mission of the doctor is to help find useful treatment for him. Each person should attend one physician, who knows his problems and observes it during their life. Besides, an Ayurvedic doctor puts the patient in active position. He shows the way to healing and helps to make the first steps. The basic way the patient should pass alone, strictly following the doctor’s instructions.

Ayurveda is a very flexible system. According to the principle of knowledge ‘deshya-kali-pathra’ (eng. place-time-circumstances) it gives algorithms which can be applied in any place and at any time. It means that the knowledge should not be transferred mechanically. Knowledge should be adapted for certain geographical, climatic, cultural and social conditions.
“Water sharpens a stone” – it’s the action mechanism of many Ayurvedic medicines. It operates softly, and doesn’t cause side-effects, unlike modern pharmacological preparations. Ayurvedic medicines don’t suppress the illness; they activate mechanisms of self-control of the body. They possess clearing and rejuvenating effect and don’t exhaust illness inside, but pull it outside, providing treatment of internal organs.

The Ayurveda doesn’t consider illness as a negative phenomenon only. Illness is our teacher. It’s indicator of our evolutionary development. The Ayurveda describes the deep principles of our illnesses which are connected with our mentality, ethics and behavior. It specifies our special friends – little illnesses, which come to relieve us of heavier chronic diseases. The Ayurveda considers that illness comes to stop some situation, to stop terrible consequences, which can occur. We think that we can do everything, but it isn’t so easy. We are a part of the Universe. Each thought is like a seed of sunflower which we throw in space. This seed will grow and sometimes confirm it’s growing with actions. If we threw the good thought it will bring good actions and circumstances, and if not we will get harm and destroy. Sometimes this harm goes through the illness, which teaches us positive thinking. The Ayurveda teaches us that if a person breaks evolution laws he gets illness and suffers. Defects, operating at level of our mentality, at mind level, inevitably sprout roots in our physical body, grasping negative influence of certain stereotypes to various organs.

Before playing, every musician should tune the instrument. The same tuning is needed for our body. This tuning can help us to relieve many illnesses. This is bio information, which regulates our body’s proper work and good condition. If you have negative energy in your body, the system works poorly. Your body will not provide the proper quantity of enzymes. If the body is not capable to work normally, it collects cellular toxins. Toxins will fill all the spaces destroying communication between good cells.

For example, fear is widespread. We think: the prices tomorrow will rise; we lose concetration; something will happen to my baby; every day we are afraid of something.
This will lead to an imbalance of certain centers of the bio field. Our body becomes very vulnerable, the infection becomes aggravated. In many cases inflammation develops with the urological illness. You have pains. Why? Because there is a program of fear constantly projected. You start to take pills, but nothing helps. It’s because the main reason is not eliminated.
Western medicine has reached great levels in surgery and in the field of computer diagnostics. The result of our poor habits is deleted, but the reason still isn’t eliminated. So, why do we begin to address Ayurveda now? Why has the entire world addressed this knowledge?

When the body suddenly shows weakness, we start to accept medicines which suppress symptoms. And then we get more serious diseases. Why? Because the reason still remains. The Ayurveda looks deeper and specifies the reason. That’s why it’s so important to understand that circumstances lead to this situation, but forces can stop and change the wrong body rhythm. o

Article is based on materials from http://www.avnc.ru/index.htm