Baltic Help and Wellness Centre Loodus is 4 kilometers away from the Estonian city of Tartu.
Struggle against excess weight is probably familiar to everyone, or at least to every woman. Every possible means of getting thinner is being used: various diets, fitness clubs, special cosmetics, all kinds of devices and training gear, and yet, the weight does not seem to change one bit. This is when people usually make the decision to resort to drastic measures.
Getting up and getting dressed in the morning, suddenly I realize that my body does not wish to fit in my favorite trousers, which “suddenly” became too small. “That’s it, something must be done about this!” I say to myself and make the decision to go to Estonia, to Baltic Help and Wellness Center Loodus on a seven-day starvation or, to be more precise, unloading dietary therapy - a method from Doctor N. Trofimova. Here’s my story:
Day 1 (Monday)
Early in the morning I am to go to the center, I realize that I am ill – I simply caught a cold. My entire body is aching. But, as the trip has been planned one month ago and all tickets have already been bought, I decide to go to work and then, in the evening, take a bus to Estonia. I arrive at the center very late in the evening. I take a taxi as Loodus is 4 kilometers away from the Estonian city of Tartu. A doctor on duty meets me, shows me the room and offers to drink some special tea which will help the cleaning procedure in the morning.
About enemas
Cleaning procedures, according to all personnel of Loodus, are absolutely sacred. Without them no results are possible. When one stops eating and only drinks water, the bowels do not work. However it is necessary to get rid of all that remains there, otherwise these pieces of food will start to rot. Besides, many harmful substances are excreted from the organism through mucous membranes, including the mucous coating of stomach. The enema helps to remove this garbage. Obligatory cleaning procedures are carried out in the morning and in the evening, plus a deep cleaning of intestines (hydrocolontherapy), if recommended by the doctor and if the client wants it.
Day 2
In the morning the cold makes its presence felt once again, my body is aching. I speak about this with the doctor during the morning visit. The doctor calms me down, saying that starvation will only help me recover faster. Well, well, we will see about that. Further, there is a medical examination: blood pressure measuring, weighing, and examination with a special device that tells the percentage of fat and muscles in the body. The doctor recommends that I should drink not less than 2.5 liters of water a day (a calculation has been made according to my weight).
After the examination the program is: a walk in the open air, a shower, gymnastics in the gym, massage, lecture, again a walk, and, at last, free time.
During the hunger therapy walks are obligatory and it is recommended to walk at least 10 km a day. Certainly, not all 10 at once. Four km in the morning, 3 km during lunchtime and 3 km in the evening. What is also interesting is that we have to use Nordic walking sticks.
Nordic Walking
When doing Nordic Walking feet, hands, shoulders, chest and back muscles are used. Walking with sticks involves activity with more muscles than the usual walking, which allows one to burn 20 percent more calories with the same speed of movement. Involving more muscles, the load is distributed to all the body and consequently, the feeling of tiredness is less problematic. Nordic Walking allows not only for the burning of calories, but also the clearing of the body of chemical waste, through sweat.
However, after the second walk in the afternoon, I feel really ill. I go online (luckily, Loodus Wi-Fi allows to connect to the Internet at any moment) to learn if hunger really helps to cure my cold, and I discover many interesting things.
It appears
Medical starvation is a way of self-healing of the body. An inactive lifestyle, poor nutrition, bad ecology and constant nervous overload – these are the enemies of our health.
Treatment methods offered by official medicine do not solve these problems. Constant use of prescription medication causes our natural mechanisms to malfunction. Our body can actually help itself, and it is necessary not to disturb it. Digestion uses up a lot of energy. After a hearty meal one becomes lazy, has no energy even to move. This precious energy, used to digest different kinds of food, can be used by the organism for self-healing. That is the main secret behind the effectiveness of hunger therapy.
By means of medical starvation it is possible to cure many diseases, but the most widespread problems are: adiposity and its consequences (high arterial blood pressure, heart disease and problems with joints), slagging of the organism and all its consequences (allergies, problems with blood vessels, colds and so on), psychological overload and depression.
Not everyone can go through hunger therapy. There are some diseases for which such a method of treatment is forbidden. Therefore, before deciding to go for the starvation cure, it is necessary to consult with a doctor, or at least to go through the therapy under his supervision.
I come to the conclusion that if hunger can help cure such diseases, my organism can definitely handle this cold!
Day 3
I feel awful. Everything aches, every cell of my body, I can’t breathe since my nose is stuffed. It seems that mytemperature has also risen. Kind and very caring personnel at Loodus offer me help. I go to see the doctor. Yes, the temperature is 37.2, but there is also good news – loss in weight – 1,400 grams! No gymnastics or walks for me, but I do go to the lecture.
About the lectures
If one starves for the first time he should know in advance what he might face during the hunger therapy. All the information about how to correctly follow through the medical starvation, how and what to eat further to prevent putting on excess weight again and how not to do much harm to the stomach and intestines is given in the lectures. Also in the lectures you will be offered to take tests for food compatibility and the content of microelements in your organism. It is not obligatory to visit lectures at Loodus, though it is advisable. I do, however, recommend to everybody who will follow in my footsteps, to attend them.
For example, you will be told there that during medical starvation you can feel dizziness or a headache. You will be warned that it is possible that you can become a bit sluggish, and can feel the sensation of coldness. These symptoms appear because the body is readjusting for internal nutrition. You will also be told that, first of all, as a reserve, the body burns all unnecessary substances and slags, therefore it is important to drink a lot of water. In a word, you will receive all the necessary information and you can ask any questions.
After the lecture I go to bed, my temperature is 38. The doctor gave me an antifebrile. By nighttime the temperature decreases and I fall asleep. I wake up in the middle of the night because I am so sweaty that I have to take a shower and change my pajamas.
Day 4
The crisis has passed. I feel, if not excellent, then at least very well. There’s no temperature, I breathe through my nose. My head feels light. A medical examination shows that my blood pressure is normal, and weighing in shows I lost 800 grams. The doctor and I decide that it is possible to resume walks, gymnastics and other activities. It is important to move a lot during the hunger therapy. Everyone could go to the aqua park today, but I refused. It is a pity, of course, but it’s better not to risk it.
Day 5
As I was sick and still am, a little, the doctor and I again decide that it is better for me to stop starving. I receive a half-liter carrot juice with pulp. This should last for the entire day. It is necessary to divide it into 5 portions and drink with water. Nevertheless, I couldn’t have ever imagined that carrot juice can be so tasty.
By the way, the scales show a loss of 1,200 grams.
Day 6
I feel very good and the medical examination confirms this. Weight is down 1,100 grams. I go for walks, do gymnastics and yoga. One liter of curdled milk is my meal for the whole day. And tonight we go to the bathhouse.
The Bathhouse
Translated from Latin, the word ‘bathhouse’ means ‘driving away illness, pain and sadness.’ Its health-improving properties lie in the fact that it enhances blood circulation and strengthens the body. Hemoglobin and the amount of erythrocytes in the blood increase. Pollution and end-products of my metabolism are evicted through the skin when sweating. In addition, hot air stimulates rapid breathing, thus, training the respiratory system. Also, because of high air temperature in the steam room the elasticity of muscular tissues and mobility of joints increases. The bathhouse also has cosmetic properties. Steam and sweat help to remove dead skin cells and impurities from the pores, and appearance and color of the skin is improved due to the rush of blood to it.
In general, it is necessary to notice that all of the health-improving procedures at Loodus are selected to stimulate the body cleaning as much as possible.
Day 7 (last, Sunday)
Today everything is for the last time. A last examination (down 600 grams, the total weight loss – 5,100 grams), last walk, last massage, last gymnastics. I feel very good, my body feels light. Today we leave. Time has passed very fast. I decide that similar measures should be applied regularly, the body will be grateful for it. At least once a year (in the lectures we were told that it is possible to endure seven-day starvation two times a year and once in three months; it is possible to starve for 3 to 5 days).
For those interested in hunger therapy at Baltic Help and Wellness Center
Loodus, details can be found in their site or by phone (+372) 50 93 581.
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