"Charmant!" this exclamation in French, the language of beauty and love, most accurately describes the exhibition, which will present products for face, body and hair care. In late October-early November, when summer colors have dimmed, and there is a long way to the colorful fun of Christmas, the beauty festival "Baltic Beauty World" will help to flower the gray autumn days.
This is the consolidated beauty industry project, which program includes the exhibition of perfumery, cosmetics, equipment for hairdressers and beauty salons, aromatherapy, jewelry, fashion jewelry, accessories, as well as forum, contests, demonstrations, workshops and master classes.
Organizers of the "Baltic Beauty World" are - BT 1 and "Skaistums matu kosmetika" company. For 5 years of its existence, the project became the main source of inspiration in the Baltic States for those people, who are aware of their affection towards the world of beauty. The project focuses on all relevant scientists, manufacturers, distributors, practitioners, craftsmen and artists of cosmetics in Europe, Asia and America.
"Baltic Beauty World 2009" will consist of two major parts. Each part will be held in different halls: "The World of Beautiful Hair" and "The World of Beautiful Face and Body."
Hall 1 - The World of Beautiful Hair
Zone 1 's professional hair care products, instruments and equipment (standard booths with height up to 3 m)
Zone 2 's professional hair care products, instruments and equipment (booths with height 3 m and more)
Zone 3 's consumer products (hair care products, instruments and accessories)
Hall 2 's The World of Beautiful Face and Body
Zone 1 's professional cosmetics
Zone 2 's professional nail care products
Zone 3 's consumer and professional cosmetics, perfumery and nail care products, salon services, training
Zone 4 's equipment and devices (including tanning equipment)
Within the project more than 45 contests, in conjunction with the thematic processes and shows will be held. More than 220 companies, representing nearly 500 products from 35 countries will take part in the exhibition.
Meanwhile, in Kipsala Hall will take place XV International Hairstyling Festival 2009, during which dozens of contests will be held.
Also, on Oct. 30 international competition of eyelash lengthening "Eyelash Fantasy 2009" will be held. The competition is organized by Galateja company.
Latvian Association of cosmetics and beauty treatment - section Cidesco on Oct. 31 is organizing the conference in Latvia "Injection of beauty. Myths and Reality" with the participation of lecturers from Latvia, Finland, Russia and Ukraine. Master-classes, which will demonstrate the latest products in the field also will be held.
Along with the exhibition various seminars in four halls and contests in two stages will be available for all visitors.
Professionals also will not be neglected: on Nov. 1, everyone can attend a special event for SPA professionals "SPA Institute," which will be held by SPA & Wellness Federation
These days in Kipsala Hall there will be a series of workshops and master classes, during which lecturers from Latvia, Estonia, Russia, China, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, France and the United States will share their experience and tell about the latest developments in the beauty industry. The interest of specialists in such events only emphasizes its importance and encourages to organize such 'gatherings' as often as possible.
More detailed program of the event is available on project's home page:
Baltic Beauty World 2009