Norwegian-owned, Latvian non-life insurance company Gjensidige Baltic will take over it's Lithuanian daughter company Reso Europa non-life insurer, Gjensidige Baltic will assume all liabilities and rights of the Lithuanian insurer. "We believe that these changes will positively affect the customers of both companies, as the network of the company subsidiaries will expand considerably," Ilze Krieva, the marketing manager of Gjensidige Baltic, told BNS. The company representatives told BNS earlier that the deal corresponds to the strategy of Norwegian shareholder Gjensidige Forsikring to expand its operations in the Baltic region. Reso Europa has operated on the Lithuanian market since 1998 as Snoras.
There has been a significant increase in the number of passengers passing through the Port of Tallinn. Sirle Arro, cruise and passenger ship client administrator at the Port of Tallinn told BNS that the number of passengers on board regular ships had increased thanks to new ships put into service. "Thanks to strengthened competition and marketing activity the shipping lines have kept the ticket prices relatively low and attractive, campaigns are constantly made in order to attract people to travel," Arro said.