More than a dozen documents were passed during last week's two-day Baltic Assembly meeting in Vilnius, including a call upon Russia to discontinue psychological and political pressure upon Georgia and a request for the Belarusian administration to respect human rights.
In a statement adopted by assembly participants, Belarusian leaders wee urged to respect democratic expressions of a civil society, refrain from the application of force against peaceful demonstrators and protesters, liberate political prisoners and take no repression actions against opposition figures.
According to the document, civil society processes based on democratic values and principles have increased in intensity in Belarus.
The Assembly also passed an address to the Russian administration, expressing big concern over the deteriorating Russian-Georgian relations and noting the particularly threatening character of Russia's latest communication with Georgia. It urged Moscow to discontinue psychological and political pressure upon Georgia.
The Assembly called upon all democratic countries and international organizations for an open and clear assessment of Russian actions and expression of certitude that such moves destroy principles of democracy and human rights, also posing a threat to political and economic stability of the region.
"The Baltic Assembly believes that all clashes between countries should be solved by way of a constructive dialogue based on good neighborhood, the spirit of openness and international law," reads the address.
Furthermore, participants adopted a statement on efforts against terrorist threats, assuming an obligation to promote resistance to all expressions of terrorism regardless of its motives and forms of expression.
Participants of the assembly also passed resolutions on energy safety of the Baltic states, enhancement of family policy, management of Baltic Sea's fish resources and cooperation in the field of fishing control, an address over EXPO 2010 in Shanghai, a proposal for teaching of Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian languages, history and culture in schools in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
A decision was made to hold the 26th session of the Baltic Assembly in Riga on Nov. 22-24 next year.
Established in 1991, the Assembly unites Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian parliaments, considers issues of concern to the member states, develops cooperation with other regional and international organizations and inter-parliamentary organizations. Each Baltic state delegates 20 parliamentarians to the Assembly meetings.