National Armed Forces to send 20 tons of humanitarian aid to Ukraine

  • 2021-05-07
  • LETA/TBT Staff

RIGA - Soldiers of the National Armed Forces will go to Ukraine this week to deliver 20 tons of humanitarian aid to Eastern Ukraine for soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, their families and civilians affected by the military conflict, the Ministry of Defense informed LETA.

This will be the 22nd humanitarian aid shipment and will include clothing and footwear donated by the Swedish charity Erikshjalpen, medical equipment and four multifunctional beds for a hospital in Eastern Ukraine, as well as household appliances, computers, prams, school supplies and bread baked by the Kelmeni bakery.

Representatives of the Latvian defense industry will hand over the charity consignment to several Ukrainian municipalities and charitable organizations, which will deliver it to the soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, their relatives and civilians who have suffered from the war in Eastern Ukraine.

For the eighth year in a row, the Latvian defense industry has been providing support to Ukrainian soldiers and their families affected by the military conflict.

Since the summer of 2014, the children of soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the National Guard of Ukraine have been receiving shipments to help them with their schooling, gifts at Christmas, and cargo is regularly sent to Ukraine with humanitarian aid.

Since 2017, humanitarian aid has been delivered directly to the Donetsk region, where both soldiers and civilians need help the most, and their total volume already exceeds four hundred tons.

The Latvian defense industry delivers humanitarian aid shipments to Ukraine in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.