Distance between Latvia and Kyrgyzstan is no obstacle to cooperation - Saeima vice speaker

  • 2021-10-11
  • LETA/TBT Staff

RIGA - Although geographically, there is a great distance between Latvia and Kyrgyzstan, we are ready for cooperation, Saeima Vice Speaker Dagmara Beitnere-Le Galla (New Conservative Party) said in an online meeting with new Kyrgyz Ambassador to Latvia Ermek Ibraimov. 

As LETA was told at the Saeima press office, stressing Kyrgyzstan's important role in Central Asia, the Saeima vice speaker expressed hope for stepping up dialogue between two countries not only on education, culture and the parliamentary dimension, but also economy. 

"Even in the circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic, economic development must not stop," Beitnere-Le Galla said, urging cooperation in logistics by using Latvian ports. The officials also discussed possible experience sharing in agriculture. 

While discussing efforts to contain the Covid-19 pandemic, the Saeima vice speaker noted the negative effect fake news and misinformation are leaving on the vaccination rate. 

The officials also discussed the security situation in Central Asia and Latvian-Kyrgyz cooperation in international organizations. 

Ambassador Ibraimov resides in Minsk, Belarus.