Border agreement now in Putin’s hands

  • 2014-07-03
  • From wire reports

TALLINN - The coordination process for Estonian-Russian border treaties in the Russian government is continuing, while the Riigikogu Foreign Affairs Committee chairman, Marko Mihkelson, has said that the agreements will reach Russia’s State Duma this autumn at the earliest, after Russian President Vladimir Putin decides the issue for his country, reports Public Broadcasting.

The Riigikogu passed the first reading of the Estonian-Russian border agreements in mid-April. The Foreign Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu decided in spring that the final vote, or the second reading, of the bill will take place once the process has started in Russia too, explained Mihkelson. “The latest information that has reached us from Russia via diplomatic channels says that the agreements have reached the Russian government, where the consultation process is under way. We’ll see when the Russian president decides to send the border agreements for ratification to the State Duma.

Most likely it can happen in the coming autumn at the earliest,” said Mihkelson. Based on the information received in Russia, Ukrainian events have not decisively stalled the process that is under way in Russia regarding the Estonian-Russian border agreements. “It is reasonable not to rush ahead of events. Of course, it is also in our interests to achieve the result in a manner that respects the interests of both parties, or in this case, in the interests of Estonia’s national security,” he added.