• 2009-05-14
I enjoyed the article on page 1 last week that explained the new law allowing the people of Latvia to vote to disband the parliament.

Apart from Zatlers not having a backbone and just saying "not my problem" and passing the power to the people (supposedly), this will just end up destabilizing the country.
Its like our current situation with marriage and divorce in society 's people get married, then comes along a tiny blip and they want to break up. Bring in the lawyers and cart off all my possessions!
You can't just elect someone then throw them out halfway because they are doing something that doesn't agree immediately with popular opinion, which is usually ill-informed.

What needs to happen instead 's and Estonia and Lithuania can still do this 's is to put those parliamentarians who stray from the straight and narrow in jail. Yes. Put the dirty criminals in jail with all their friends who were less lucky and got caught already.

The dissolution of Parliament really does not guarantee a better one 's it could even get worse. At some point, there would be people in power who didn't know what they were doing. Oh, wait that's already the case. Well, I don't know 's glad I don't live in Latvia!

Peter Gramm


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