Medvedev on suspicions of Russia's interference in EU elections: it's nonsense, let them prove it

  • 2019-03-06
  • Interfax/TBT Staff

LUXEMBOURG - Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has described the assumptions that Moscow is planning to interfere in the election to the European Parliament this May as paranoid nonsense and demanded proof of such intentions of Russia.

"The election has not taken place yet and they already suspect us of something, don't they?" he said at a press conference, responding to journalists' request to comment on relevant accusations against Moscow.

"You never know who's suspecting whom of what. Let them prove it, unless that's assumptions about the future which is yet to come," Medvedev said.

"I'd say, it's some paranoid nonsense, suspecting someone of doing something that is yet to happen," he said.