KLAIPEDAKlaipedos Nafta (Klaipeda Oil), the operator of the oil-product terminal in the Lithuania
TALLINNTwo Estonian companies are interested in buying a 47 percent stake in the operation of Tal
RIGAA Latvian government task force and Finland's Metsaliitto have reached a tentative agreement
TALLINNThe tempo and volume of construction works in Estonia in the first quarter of 2003 has inc
RIGALatvia's electricity utility Latvenergo on June 3 signed an agreement with the Finnish IT com
RIGALatvia's largest shipping company, Latvijas Kugnieciba (LASCO), plans to replace its tanker f
Kraft riding economic growth waveKraft Foods Lietuva, one of the leading confectionery and snack
RIGALatvian Economy Minister Juris Lujans said he believed that the time had come to terminate th
KAUNASAs Lithuania's government ponders what to do with the state-owned Lithuania Airlines, the c
AFP BRUSSELSThe European Union faces a potentially decisive moment in its half-century history th
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