The U.S.-based energy group Williams announced last week that it was selling its share in Lithuania'
A cursory look at Yukos' takeover of the Lithuanian oil group Mazeikiu Nafta has led most in Lithuan
Deputy Janis Adamsons from the Social Democratic Workers Party was barred from standing in the next
Kristina Schmigun, Estonia's 24-year-old skiing star, is among the most beloved public figures in th
Sharp gains posted by Estonian blue chip stocks last week made up for declines in Latvia and Lithuan
TALLINNDuring the last two years, Tallinn's real estate market has expanded by nearly 100,000 squ
HELSINKIThe Finnish flag carrier Finnair announced a 46 percent plunge in first-half net profit t
STOCKHOLMHi3G Access, the joint third-generation mobile telephone venture of Investor AB and Hutc
ST. PETERSBURGLUKoil has been sued for improperly conducting public hearings on a project to extr
VILNIUSThe Finance Ministry revised its 2002 GDP growth forecast for the third time this year, pr
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