Computer sales up in April

  • 2000-05-11
TALLINN (BNS) - The top four manufacturers of computers in Estonia together sold 1,808 computers in April, an increase of 19 units compared with March.

Computers sold by Microlink Arvutid in Estonia during April numbered 1,115, and 1,312 in the three Baltic states together, which is about as much as in April a year ago, Mart Sepp of Microlink Arvutid said.

Output during the first four months of the year stood at 5,470, of those, 4,095 were sold in Estonia, Sepp said. Ordi sold 456 computers in April and 2,030 during the first four months, up from 1,357 in the same period a year ago.

The number of computers sold by Ordi in April was down by 169 from March, but increased by 149 over April 1999.

K-Arvutisalong sold 146 computers in April and 703 during the first four months. The respective figures for PCT Arvutid were 91 and 393.