• 2009-07-08
I've read the ongoing saga of the "poisonous sausages" in your paper for the last several weeks.  Maybe you've missed something in any investigation you have done for this story.

If the E250 nitrate, which is approved and used not only in Lithuania, but the entire EU and the US, is indeed the problem with these sausages, why aren't the tens, if not hundreds of other meat products, including fish products, currently on the shelves of Lithuanian markets also being put in this light?
Simply knowing what goes into common bacon shows that E250 is not only in these sausages.
Please, go down to the market.  Get some bacon and other sausages, have them tested.

This piece seems as if it's trying to be very hard to be sensationalist. I'm sure more important topics would be better suited to your publication, than a story that seems to be degenerating into a public health announcement telling people to know what's in their foods, even if the additives are legal and approved for use world wide.

Why not have the guy writing about sausages write about the untaxed employee bonuses used in Lithuania known as "vokes."  Where does the money come from? How do accountants figure them into the books? How does one company giving these out affect the entire competitiveness of the job market?
I've read your paper and website for the last six years, I think there are just better things to print.

Mike Carey

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