Make Estonia a 100% eco-farming country. Create an individual brand for Estonian produce and also encourage the development of eco-farming technologies as well as providing healthier produce and improving the environment.
EU center for technological solutions. Estonia offers its economy as a test bed for new technological systems. New methods and techniques would be tested out on a full working economy, debugged and developed for wider Europe and the world. For example Estonia's e-parking system could have been tested in Estonia then exported to the world having proved it would work.
Create large research institutions, possibly attached to universities. Exploit and grow Estonia's reputation for developing new technologies through creating much larger research institutions.
Make the academic and teaching professions more attractive. Improve the benefits and working conditions of those in the teaching professions. This in turn should attract better graduates to the profession and improve the quality of labor in the economy.
Conduct a major infrastructure project. For example, build a dam across lake Peipsi to create hydro electricity, and a road or rail link to Russia across the same structure.