I am a citizen of the U.S.A. and visited Latvia in 2005 on an ESL Mission Trip to Sloka Sunday School near to Jurmala. I was impressed with your country and it's people. I have studied your fight for independence and am very impressed with your recovery from oppression. The Baltic countries are praised for their strength and non-violent approach to a better way to govern. If you have forgotten about your peoples strengths, watch a movie called "The Singing Revolution," highlighting Estonia's revolution but also includes the Latvian peoples strengths too.
Your economy is faltering and so are we in the U.S.A. Do not give up. Your freedom and right to worship as you choose is priceless. Greedy and selfish people thinking that they are entitled to all things they can accumulate are ruining banks and companies all over the world.
We need to act like humans and care for each other.
In closing, respect your government and make changes with elections.
The world is challenged with tough times but let us all respect one another and we will weather it all together.
Looking forward to another visit to Latvia in 2009. I have new friends in Latvia and they will demonstrate that the "Heart" of a country is it's people and not the unfortunate events that come from some poor management.
Thank you!
Dennis H. Neumann
Alpena, Michigan