I read with great interest the letter from Harry Gaffney ["Don't worry Sir, this is the Titanic 's Unsinkable," Letters, TBT #572, Sept. 6 - 12, 2007] and have to say I agree fully with him on all points except one.
Yes, I know what happened to M. Thatcher's government and ask myself, would it really be so bad if the same happened here? I doubt it. In fact, it could prove to be the saving of this country. From where I stand, the present bunch leave much to be desired.
As for the ministers who are shouting for the new library and Riga airport, this raises a question in my mind: why are they pushing so hard? Do I smell self interest here? What do they get out of it? Who is behind them, if anybody? Surely both projects could be put on hold until the country can afford them.
My advice to ministers is keep business out of government 's the two just don't mix without trouble. If you are all running out of ideas, call in people who know what is happening and can guide you properly.
Lastly, why is it only guests in your country see what is happening? Where are the local voices?