• 2007-08-22
  • Alfred Joseph, Riga
As a follow up to my last letter["Speaking from experience,"Letters, TBT #569, Aug. 16 - 22] Iwould like to make some suggestionsfor consideration anddebate.To cure runaway inflationsome of the following would help.Firstly, put a credit squeeze inplace 's this would bring a lot ofconsumer spending under control.Secondly, put a freeze onprices, and at the same timefreeze wage rises.Now what else could one do?Well, one could make public landavailable to the constructionindustry on condition that, aswell as building expensive propertiesthat few can really afford,they would have to also includeaffordable housing in their plansat the start, not as an add-on orafterthought. This works inLondon, why not here?

And let's not forget interestrates. These should be raised byincome so the high earners whocan afford them should be madeto pay more instead of getting taxexperts to work out the angles forthem.Then not last, people in governmentshould be held accountableif they are not up to the job.Sack them and get people that doknow what they are doing. Theremust be many people in thiscountry who could do a far betterjob then the ones in office at present.And newspapers bear someresponsibility also. They seemunable to scream headlines whenpeople who should not be in certainpositions are, and no oneseems to care what they do. Or amI wrong? I do hope so!As an ex-businessman whohad his own investment companyI always put my clients' trust inme first and safeguarded theirinterests above all else.

Will thegovernment ministers do thesame for [their] people? I stronglydoubt it....My last message to themwould be, "If you can't stand theheat, stay out of the kitchen."
P.S. I guess I should add I amlucky to be one of the 5 percentwho can afford to sit things out.

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