Can't please everyone

  • 2006-03-22
  • By Andris Lielmanis
It is of interest that Astrid writes her critique (TBT #499) regarding the Danish cartoons from Amsterdam, Netherlands, one of the most tolerant countries in the world and with which no Muslim country in the world can compare in terms of tolerance. The Dutch, much like the rest of European peoples, so long tolerant of the intolerant, are now developing an intolerance toward the intolerance of the Muslim migrants within their borders. The Islamification of Europe has come to a screeching halt as a consequence of the staged global overreaction to the Danish cartoons, much to the dismay of the more tolerant Islamic believers.

The Danish cartoons were published in Egypt a few months after their original publication 's with no reaction.
The Danish Islamic militant who took the cartoons to the Middle East also included cartoons not published in that Danish publication, cartoons that were highly offensive, depicting Mohammed carrying out various sexual acts with pigs.
Iranian and Syrian Intelligence organizations then coordinated a hysterical global Islamic reaction to those cartoons, fanning the flames to the best of their ability.

I thought that the satirical cartoon of a bearded Muslim [supposedly depicting Mohammed], with an exploding turban, prove the cartoonist's point. The other cartoon I found quite witty was that of a cleric approaching Mohammed in heaven stating "We're running out of virgins." There are so many religions on this planet, and it is impossible to "respect" all of their feelings 's we cannot consume pork, beef, alcohol, tea, coffee without offense; the female of our species cannot bare their heads, show their arms and ankles or be educated without offense; we males cannot go beardless without offense; none of us can step on an insect without the risk of offending a Buddhist since they believe that the insect might be their reincarnated aunt.
Perhaps Astrid could give us an example of "tolerant" cartoons from the Muslim world, respecting the feelings of the believers in other religions and of other nationalities.


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