Lithuania's new coalition 'stinks badly' - Landsbergis

  • 2024-11-12
  • BNS/TBT Staff

VILNIUS - Lithuania's new ruling coalition including the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party, the Dawn of the Nemunas party and the Democrats "For Lithuania" "stinks badly", Vytautas Landsbergis, Lithuania's first post-independence leader, says.

"It (the coalition - BNS) is charmingly colorful. And you ask how it smells?" the honorary chair of the conservative Homeland Union - Lithuanian Christian Democrats told reporters on Tuesday.

"Just smell it and you will feel what the smell is (...). Smell is a very important element and it stinks badly," he said.

The LSDU and the Democrats have come under fire, both in Lithuania and abroad, for their decision to work with the Dawn of the Nemunas party led by Remigijus Zemaitaitis who is on trial for inciting hatred against Jews.

Before the parliament election in October, Landsbergis urged people not to vote for hate-spreaders.

The Lithuanian Social Democratic Party, the Dawn of the Nemunas party and the Democrats "For Lithuania" signed their coalition agreement on Monday.