TALLINN - According to the Estonian animal welfare organization Loomus, the Animal Protection Act must be amended in such a way that the sexual abuse of an animal, or zoophilia, also falls under the category of a prohibited act with respect to an animal.
According to Loomus, virtually all animals are sexually exploited. Dogs are the most common, followed by horses, cattle, goats, pigs and chickens. Reptiles, wild animals, cats, birds and other animals are used less. In most cases, the victim animal lives with the exploiter. In addition to direct physical contact, relevant pornography is also viewed, which has been produced even in Estonia, but currently is mostly produced in Hungary.
Anu Tensing, member of the management board of Loomus, stressed when speaking about the goals of the citizens' initiative that sexual abuse of animals must be added to the list of prohibited acts with respect to animals.
"It likely comes as a surprise to many that such acts are not directly prohibited by law in Estonia, because we all understand that sexual abuse of animals should have no place in our society. It is time to clearly ban such acts," she said.
Human sexual activity can be very dangerous for animals. Similarly, sexual intercourse with an animal can also be dangerous for humans, because animals can spread zoonotic diseases to humans. There are many known cases in the world where people have been infected with leptospirosis, echinococcosis or rabies through sexual intercourse.
Zoophilia is officially banned in many countries -- a total of 117 countries and territories worldwide.
The ban on zoophilia is supported by Varjupaikade MTU (Animal Shelters NGO), MTU Pesaleidja, MTU Koduotsivad kutsud Venemaalt as well as the Estonian Society for the Protection of Animals, Loomapaastegrupp (Animal Rescue Group), MTU Farmiloomade turvakodu Eestimaal and Linnafauna zooveterinaarkeskus.
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