TALLINN - An examination revealed that two Ukrainians who died after driving into a lake in Koogi village, Tartu County, at the end of October were intoxicated, the regional Tartu Postimees reports.
Both Ukrainians were under the influence of alcohol, and one of them was severely intoxicated. However, it is still unclear which of the men was driving the car at the time of the accident, and this will be determined during an ongoing criminal investigation, police spokesperson Ragne Keisk said.
The traffic accident in Koogi village, located 30 kilometers from Tartu, was reported to the Emergency Response Center at 2:50 p.m. on Oct. 29 , when a local fisherman noticed a car wheel protruding from the water next to a bridge.
A trailer partially submerged in water was also on the shore. The car was upside down at the bottom of the lake. The two men in the vehicle, aged 44 and 28, died. It was later determined that they were Ukrainian nationals.
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