2021 Latvian Architecture Award goes to Mezaparks Song Festival Stage reconstruction project

  • 2021-08-28
  • LETA/TBT Staff

RIGA - The 2021 Latvian Architecture Award went to the Mezaparks Song Festival Stage reconstruction project and its authors - Austra Mailitis and Juris Poga Architects' Office, the Latvia Association of Architects informed LETA.

The runner-ups this year included MAD Arhitekturas Telpa project by NRJA, Roche office building reconstruction project on Miera Street by Didrihsons Arhitekti, as well as Stuki Barn reconstruction into a private home by Andra Smite.

The 2021 people's choice award went to the Stuki Barn reconstruction project's author Smite.

The final jury this year was made up of Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos founding partner Fuensanta Nieto, Nerbau.com partner Laurynas Avyzius, Arhitekt Must co-founder Ott Alver, PLH Architects Director Steen Enrico Andersen, and the Selection Jury Chairman Andris Kronbergs.

The Latvian Architecture Award is a prestigious award that not only accentuates outstanding achievements in Latvian architecture and cares about the development of the industry, but also promotes public awareness of architecture.