TALLINN - The first call for project proposals to the Central Baltic Program 2021-2027 opened on Thursday, which welcomes projects between partners in Estonia, Finland, Aland, Sweden and Latvia to cooperate in our region by solving common problems and working on joint opportunities.
To receive funding from this program, projects must have a clear cross-border character and involve partners from at least two program countries. The program has an indicative budget of EUR 118 million from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and projects in seven program objectives will be funded, the Estonian State Shared Service Center said in a press release.
The objectives are in the areas of innovative entrepreneurship, improved environmental and resource management, a more inclusive labor market and better public services.
The call is open for two types of projects: small projects and regular projects. Both small projects and regular projects can submit project proposals via the joint electronic monitoring system Jems until closing time at 12:00 EET on March 31.
A number of member state representatives worked together to launch the program, all providing feedback and ideas to ensure that the program meets the needs of the region and is clear and understandable to applicants, the program's manager, Merike Niitepold, said.
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